The best week of my life...
My attachment week ended today with my last day of hospital attachment. After this week, I dare say that its been the most satisfying and eventful week of my life. I did and saw things that will make your blood run cold.
Ambulance attachment was fantastic too. I think I was one of the "lucky" few who got a lot of calls. I know not receiving any call is the best of all but a part of me, ok a very large part of me was praying for as many calls as possible. I think my praying was pretty good and I got one of the most calls among my friends and my calls are all different, I even got a case of a pregnant lady who was about to go into labor. It was a waste she didn't give birth in the ambulance, if not I would've help deliver a baby, now how cool is that?
Back to my hospital attachment in CGH, I was so garang that I worked "over time". I did both morning and afternoon shift and I have to be forced by my friends to go for break. Time is negligible when you are enjoying yourself. First time I check my watch was 7am, the next time I check, 10pm. ok besides the countless times where I checked the time I took parameters. by enjoying myself, I don't mean chatting with the NYP nurses but I have to say that was pretty enjoyable as well. I helped receive cases, record cases, assits doctors and nurses whenever possible, then when I'm not doing that, I'm taking parameters, sending patients for X-ray and all kinds of scan, sending them to ward with the staff nurses, talking to the patients, oh and I even got to do the last office or "ta pao" for patients who are BID or those who cannot be resusitated. I had to literally clear their shit with my hands so as to tidy them up for their loved ones. I actually manage to "ta pao" twice today. then after I was done, one of the nurses asked me whether I wanted to help clean this man who shit in his bed. I actually said yes with a nice big smile on my face. by now many would think that I'm mad. well at least I got to save on my dinner money. till now, everything taste and smell like shit to me. super, I can seize the opportunity to lose weight and seriously appreciate the fresh air I breath.
Medical professionals are really a special breed of people, watching them in action is breath taking, doing it personally is life changing. life and death is literally in your hands, it takes a lot more than brains or brawns to do what they do everyday. Nurses and doctors are the angels among ordinary men, micro and macro wars cannot be won without them. Because without them, you can wallow in your shit and no one will give a damn about you.
Ambulance attachment was fantastic too. I think I was one of the "lucky" few who got a lot of calls. I know not receiving any call is the best of all but a part of me, ok a very large part of me was praying for as many calls as possible. I think my praying was pretty good and I got one of the most calls among my friends and my calls are all different, I even got a case of a pregnant lady who was about to go into labor. It was a waste she didn't give birth in the ambulance, if not I would've help deliver a baby, now how cool is that?
Back to my hospital attachment in CGH, I was so garang that I worked "over time". I did both morning and afternoon shift and I have to be forced by my friends to go for break. Time is negligible when you are enjoying yourself. First time I check my watch was 7am, the next time I check, 10pm. ok besides the countless times where I checked the time I took parameters. by enjoying myself, I don't mean chatting with the NYP nurses but I have to say that was pretty enjoyable as well. I helped receive cases, record cases, assits doctors and nurses whenever possible, then when I'm not doing that, I'm taking parameters, sending patients for X-ray and all kinds of scan, sending them to ward with the staff nurses, talking to the patients, oh and I even got to do the last office or "ta pao" for patients who are BID or those who cannot be resusitated. I had to literally clear their shit with my hands so as to tidy them up for their loved ones. I actually manage to "ta pao" twice today. then after I was done, one of the nurses asked me whether I wanted to help clean this man who shit in his bed. I actually said yes with a nice big smile on my face. by now many would think that I'm mad. well at least I got to save on my dinner money. till now, everything taste and smell like shit to me. super, I can seize the opportunity to lose weight and seriously appreciate the fresh air I breath.
Medical professionals are really a special breed of people, watching them in action is breath taking, doing it personally is life changing. life and death is literally in your hands, it takes a lot more than brains or brawns to do what they do everyday. Nurses and doctors are the angels among ordinary men, micro and macro wars cannot be won without them. Because without them, you can wallow in your shit and no one will give a damn about you.