Friday, January 05, 2007

Me no dumb dumb, you dumb dumb...

thats right, I went to watch "Night at the museum" with yehong today. it was a pretty good show with a simple story line. Ben stiller was awesome as always. however i felt that there were too many actors for such a short and simple story thus resulting in the actors not being able to showcase their full talent. On hind sight, i felt the "coming to life characters at night" to be much more amusing. Overall it was a great show with a good amount of humour and an even dose of heart warming moments. So anyway before the show, i was walking around vivocity with yehong and just talking and talking. i must really thank God so much for this great day, haven't felt so free in a long long time. its like the weight of my burdens was lifted and the chains holding me snapped, i felt free. Talking to yehong was fantastically funny, i can't remember when was the last time i laugh so hard just by talking. Come to think of it, i doubt anyone has got to know so much about me in a day, from weird things i do when i was young to weird things i do now. i'm divulging too much secrets! Many a times we would talk talk talk then end up forgetting where we suppose to go to then we keep turning and turning. i blame it on vivocity's lousy design, it confuses people.

And now, the second most embarrassing thing that has happened to me, i say second because there was another horrible "wanna stuck my head in ground inccident" that is still top, but thats another story for another day. Anyway, benjy ask me to help him get a pre-paid card for wow and i went to comics connections in white sands to get it. so after i bought it, i was checking it to make sure its all nice and sealed up while making my way to the toilet at the same time. This was what went throught my brain at that moment, ok 2 doors, both red, guys toilet usually first, saw cleaning aunty going in, ok lets go in, wow never knew whitesands guy's toilet was PINK, wow this aunty is staring at me. WOW OMG I'M IN THE FEMALE TOILET!!!! I immediately dashed out and hide myself in the comforting BLUE toilet praying no one saw my face. Thank God i made it home without any aunties chasing me with their bags. While i was in comics connection, i saw 1/60 Strike Freedom! it is finally out!! i waited more than a year for it, i wanted to buy it straight away but decided to wait 3 more days, if i am still thinking about it then i'll go get it.

On my way out today, i chanced upon this group of students from MJ freshman orientation and can't help but think back to those days when i was still in MJ. Being the pioneer batch, we got to come up with a lot of rules and many other things which built the school. One of which i am most proud of was the name of our houses, it was my class that came up with those names, so i can't help but felt a rush of nostalgia when i saw those students waving banners of their house names. i stood there and reminisced those days and felt glad that i made a mark in the history of my school. i always wanted to go back to mj but i am always making excuses. Ultimately, i know i don't have the guts to go back. i can't face my teachers after those shitty results i got. they put so much hope in me and i screwed up. Miss choo wanted to talk to me on results day but i ran away. Mr se sms me and ask if i needed help but i replied no. how can i still accept their help after repaying them with those results. Maybe one day, i might go see them.

i was watching "beauty and the geek" last week and what one of the beauties said suddenly struck me. "Why am i always smiling and laughing? maybe its because i am hiding something behind that smile." so here is a little prayer for yehong,

"Dear God, thank you for putting yehong in my life. thank you for allowing me to get to know one who loves you so so very much. i pray that you shower her with ur blessings and always protect her. i also pray that if there is any hurt behind those laughter that she will commit them to you. i pray that i may have the wisdom and understanding should she ever need some one to talk to and many many blessings for her final semester. Thank you God. Amen."

On a final note to everyone, if you ever buy teddy bears for anyone, i plea with you that you do not buy those with names that sounds very yummy like milk chocolate teddy, or vanilla shake teddy. Do not even think of buying those which actually look like thier names, this is a serious matter, the government should put an age limit to these bears. They look so delicious one might accidentally eat them. its a hazard. so please think before buying a butterscotch teddy. Now is that butterscotch i smell...


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