Monday, February 12, 2007

Boredom is scary...

finally i can stay home and rest after standing for more than 12h the past 3 days. i swear i will never give out flyers as a job again! its super duper ultra boring. thank goodness yao long was with me or i might start talking to myself. but it was a good experience overall, it wasn't a first time doing road show and exhibition for me but it was surely a first time just handing out flyers for the entire day. on the first day, we went around asking other part-timers how much they were getting paid and was quite satisfied we got the highest among them. it was so boring just handing out flyers that both yao long and me applied what we learnt in army to good use. we throw smoke and twang. honestly without these valuable skills acquired from the army, we would have died from boredom. i shall not elaborate how we twang, it’s a secret. i kind of had some fun yesterday since it was the last day and what could go wrong, so i went around disturbing the kids who were playing games like maplestory, audition me, etc at the asiasoft booth. i was amaze at the amount of crap i can conjure, even yao long was laughing away at one corner just by watching me. the people at asiasoft were giving out ang baos and they had A LOT to give away, and it was last day already so i went to help them give out also. i gave 1 pack of ang bao together with about 10 pieces of my flyers, never cleared my flyers so fast before. one asiasoft girl gave me a whole box of ang baos and some posters so come find me if u need empty ang bao packets. yao long and me then went to talk to the supervisor of asiasoft asking if they got jobs for us and he told us send in our resume so i must start digging for my resume, can't rmb where i put it.

Valentine's day is just round the corner, love is in the air and pink is still so beautiful. seriously i must start charging people for my cheesecake recipe and how to bake it. 3 of my friends have already come and find me for the recipe and ask me go with them to buy the ingredients. wan make cheesecake for girlfriend on vday but got no baking tin, no mixer, no gelatine! cheesecake baking lesson for guys and girls who want to give that special gift of love to your significant other, sign up now and i'll even throw in my kitchen and all my baking stuff for u to use. *terms and conditions applied*


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