Sorry loyal fans...
ok i admit, i got bitten by the lazy bug. i haven't been blogging for about 2 months already, i know much to the disappointment of my adoring fans. its not like i didn't have anything to write about, in fact i have loads to say but well to put it simply i couldn't catch the "ling gan" bug. i'll try to summaries what i've been doing the last 2 months for now.
i left teaching for a while to pursue my 2 months of intensive driving course, and intensive it was. i basically have lessons everyday and some days got 2 lessons. i started driving on 12 april and my test on 22 may, i have to finish my lessons in less than 2 months. anyway fast forward to my test day itself, guess lady luck wasn't smiling on me that day. my tester failed me the moment he saw me, true story. he gave me 2 points for delay in moving off when i was in the carpark checking my mirrors and seat, enough said. in the end i got 24 points and 18 is the passing. i was damn sad, in my honest opinion, the test itself depends a WHOLE lot on luck. you have good luck that day, you pass. well my 2nd test date is on 22 june, please keep me in prayers.
And the next exciting thing! i bought a new bicycle!!! A $1200 road bike to be precise! been doing a lot of research about biking and stuff and finally settled for a Giant OCR 2. i bought it from tay cycle at tampines the round market place. i went with yao long to buy, he bought a giant iguana, a $750 mountain bike. lets just say we got bitten by the cycling bug. so i've been cycling a lot lately with yao long and chai yun. cycled from home to places i never thought i could, its a really cool achievement. thanks chai yun!
i'll be getting a little busy from next week. Church camp from 3-7 june, lots of meetings and stuff since i'm in the organising committee. then after camp, rest one day then i going bag packing in terengganu and redang from 8-13 of june. then after i come back i'll be looking forward to more cycling trips! not forgetting movies! quite a few good shows coming out, hopping to catch them.
Here we go! my new road bike!!!

i left teaching for a while to pursue my 2 months of intensive driving course, and intensive it was. i basically have lessons everyday and some days got 2 lessons. i started driving on 12 april and my test on 22 may, i have to finish my lessons in less than 2 months. anyway fast forward to my test day itself, guess lady luck wasn't smiling on me that day. my tester failed me the moment he saw me, true story. he gave me 2 points for delay in moving off when i was in the carpark checking my mirrors and seat, enough said. in the end i got 24 points and 18 is the passing. i was damn sad, in my honest opinion, the test itself depends a WHOLE lot on luck. you have good luck that day, you pass. well my 2nd test date is on 22 june, please keep me in prayers.
And the next exciting thing! i bought a new bicycle!!! A $1200 road bike to be precise! been doing a lot of research about biking and stuff and finally settled for a Giant OCR 2. i bought it from tay cycle at tampines the round market place. i went with yao long to buy, he bought a giant iguana, a $750 mountain bike. lets just say we got bitten by the cycling bug. so i've been cycling a lot lately with yao long and chai yun. cycled from home to places i never thought i could, its a really cool achievement. thanks chai yun!
i'll be getting a little busy from next week. Church camp from 3-7 june, lots of meetings and stuff since i'm in the organising committee. then after camp, rest one day then i going bag packing in terengganu and redang from 8-13 of june. then after i come back i'll be looking forward to more cycling trips! not forgetting movies! quite a few good shows coming out, hopping to catch them.
Here we go! my new road bike!!!

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