Beautiful Redang...
This took longer to appear then i expected, i think its because i was busy collecting photos (which i am still doing) but it was largely due to the fact that i'm still suffering from post holiday blues. But anyhow, here it is, some insight on my wonderful holiday in Redang.
The first interesting thing about this trip was that out of the 8 people that were going i only know 2, Samuel and his gf. the rest were his gf's dentistry classmates, so i went on a holiday with 6 dentists, i bet no one has done that before. the journey to redang itself wasn't too pleasant, it took a good 10h from Singapore to Terengganu, another 1h to reach Merang jetty and from there another 40min to the island itself. My advice to would be travellers, its ok to splurge a bit more on the coach rides, after all you'll be spending a good part of the holiday in it, might as well make the best of it. Our group was split into 2 buses, 5 in the earlier one and 3 in the later. Lets skip the uncomfortable, cold and smelly coach ride and get on with Redang!
There are several resorts all over Redang and the prices differ from one to another but not much. so do book one on the higher end side. u DO NOT want to save on your resort. the one we stayed in is call Redang Reef Resort (RRR), it is one of the better resorts around. another reason why u would wanna get a good resort is because of its location, and scenic values (highly important). once we got to the island, it was fun fun fun from the get go. we had lunch before renting our snorkeling equipments (RM 20 for as long as u are in the resort) and then its off to the beautiful open sea. wait beautiful is an under statement. you judge for yourself. it was like a dream to see waters so crystal clear, all this time i have only seen waters like this on
documentaries. the sand on the beach was so white and fine that it will slip out of your hand if you try to grab some. basically it was all snorkel, beach volleyball, swim, running around playing for the entire day not forgetting our favourite magnum moments. the magnums were so cheap that we ate one whenever we felt like it. when night came, we spend most of our time singing karaoke at the little pub call the "Reef". it was really enjoyable and unknowingly addictive so we kept singing and singing. i've never sang so much with so many people in my life. on the second night, while the others were singing, i happened to look up to the sky and saw a shooting star! i was shouting "shooting star" but it disappear in less than a second. since there were more people at the pub on the second night, we or rather this time it was only xn, wy, melissa and me decided to go lie on the beach and watch stars. the sky was cloudless and the stars were countless, i made a wish for another shooting star to appear for the others to see and it did and i guess everyone started making wishes too. our eyes didn't stay open for very long, the soft cold sand, the cool sea breeze and lying under the stars was enough to make all of us fall asleep. sleeping under the stars, how cool is that! we awoke a while later coz it was getting a bit chilly and guess what, it was just nice to go to the other side of the resort where the tide has receded and search for glowing blue sand! yes u heard me right, Redang is known for its glowing "sand" which from our observation is not really sand but rather or maybe some fly that lives in the rocks, it is as small as a grain of sand only. they come out to mate when its low tide and produces this luminous blue glow when agitated, in this case being stepped on by us.

See how beautiful the sunrise is! thats wy and me, i love this pic its so beautiful it should be made into a postcard. i'm glad i got everyone to wake up to watch the sunrise, we had to climb up this flight of rocks to get the best view and boy was it worth every effort. we took a lot of photos and was just totally mesmerized by the beauty of it. after breakfast, it was time to pack up and leave the island. since our coach back to singapore was at 9pm, we had a whole day in Terengganu to kill, so we walk around town and explore the place for a bit. i enlisted the help of the 6 dentists i was with and bought a new toothbrush. while shopping around and looking for a place to eat, we chanced upon this small eatery with a very special fruit juice stall so we decided to have our dinner there and savour the ultra madness cheap seafood! then it was the dreaded 10h journey back to singapore again.
i'm very happy i went on this trip to redang and got to know 5 new friends, not forgetting the fact that they are all future dentists. being on this holiday has help me clear my mind of a lot of things and i came home feeling "lighter" and more in tune with my life. given a chance i'd love to go travelling with this bunch of people again, even if its back to redang! for more photos of redang do check out my multiply site as i'll be uploading all my photos there once i collate all of them from the others.
The first interesting thing about this trip was that out of the 8 people that were going i only know 2, Samuel and his gf. the rest were his gf's dentistry classmates, so i went on a holiday with 6 dentists, i bet no one has done that before. the journey to redang itself wasn't too pleasant, it took a good 10h from Singapore to Terengganu, another 1h to reach Merang jetty and from there another 40min to the island itself. My advice to would be travellers, its ok to splurge a bit more on the coach rides, after all you'll be spending a good part of the holiday in it, might as well make the best of it. Our group was split into 2 buses, 5 in the earlier one and 3 in the later. Lets skip the uncomfortable, cold and smelly coach ride and get on with Redang!

See how beautiful the sunrise is! thats wy and me, i love this pic its so beautiful it should be made into a postcard. i'm glad i got everyone to wake up to watch the sunrise, we had to climb up this flight of rocks to get the best view and boy was it worth every effort. we took a lot of photos and was just totally mesmerized by the beauty of it. after breakfast, it was time to pack up and leave the island. since our coach back to singapore was at 9pm, we had a whole day in Terengganu to kill, so we walk around town and explore the place for a bit. i enlisted the help of the 6 dentists i was with and bought a new toothbrush. while shopping around and looking for a place to eat, we chanced upon this small eatery with a very special fruit juice stall so we decided to have our dinner there and savour the ultra madness cheap seafood! then it was the dreaded 10h journey back to singapore again.
i'm very happy i went on this trip to redang and got to know 5 new friends, not forgetting the fact that they are all future dentists. being on this holiday has help me clear my mind of a lot of things and i came home feeling "lighter" and more in tune with my life. given a chance i'd love to go travelling with this bunch of people again, even if its back to redang! for more photos of redang do check out my multiply site as i'll be uploading all my photos there once i collate all of them from the others.
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