Sunday, June 26, 2005


It kinda sux to know that i have to report back to camp tomorrow morning for guard duty. There are a several things in my mind thats gnawing away at my brain. i'm irritated to bits and wish i could just switch off. i don even know where to begin lamenting if i were to even start in the first place. i just feel like thrashing the keyboard and vent my frustration typing some nonsense. Who knows maybe those irritating bugs might just disappear... Shit la.. who am i kidding, if it they were so easy to get rid of, those rich authors of best selling self-help books would all be out of jobs.

i don't need any "learn to love yourself" books or any of the likes. i just want to liberate myself! by that i don't mean i'm gonna run around orchard road stalk naked and make the next headline. i just wish there was some one who i can just scream my head off with. Humans are such oxymoronic creatures, we wish so much to have company when we are alone and we wish so much to be alone when it gets too loud. We say things but mean another, do things which we know are wrong and yet continue doing it, hurt the people we love too easily and too frequently, but can be so understanding, polite and nice to others. see what i mean? no? i better stop my list before i dwell into another of Pandora's box.

Being in the army sux. its just a plain pain in the ass. People gotta understand that, especially those of the fairer sex and all those who claim to have testicles but do not have the balls to go through it. many a times people do not understand that its not fun and games in the army. We NSFs have our own fair share of worries and stress too. i'm making a cry out for all those who are forced to wear green. i cannot emphasize more on how it just sux to be in the army. for all those out there with relatives, friends in the army, please spare a little more thought for them. its sickening enough with the miserable time we have during the weekends and we still have to think about the army. its very frustrating to know that you have so many things to do but so little time. the last thing you would want is people who do not understand your situation or should i say predicaments. time is very precious to us, every second is precious. all i can say is that do not mess with our time.

lets focus and not digress further. where was i? oh yes, me and my crap. Crap... my mind just went blank on me. there are just too many things on my mind right now and i think its overloading. how i hope i could just switch off and knock myself out. i just wanna scream! i dunno about anyone else but have u ever come to a point in life where u just wanna launch yourself out of the window and hope the ground below would swallow you up whole and there will not be anymore shit. well thats not gonna happen because you are just gonna create more shit. i wish there was some one i can talk to who understands. i dunno what the hell i'm doing blogging with the few hours i have left. frustration is building up again, i'm gonna explode soon. i better go do something about my sudden cough before i cough my damn lungs out. hmmm maybe running around orchard road like our first man is not such a bad idea after all... anyone interested?


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