Sunday, May 22, 2005

Field camp...

ok so heres the long overdue entry that i was supposed to type last week but was too tired to do so... 7 days out in the wilderness, 7 days without proper sanitation, without proper shelter and proper food... i must say its an experience that i will never forget. they say adversity brings out the worst in people or they bring out the best in people. its true.. it takes a lot of mental strength to overcome snoring from the "wild boars" at night... believe me, all u want is a good nights rest after a whole day of chiong sua. if its not the "wild boars" its the killer mosquitos from mars. they are an elite squadrant of blood suckers that can bite right through your clothes just to have a taste of fresh blood... don't mess with them, they are well armed and trained.

then there is this ritual we go through everyday to cleanse ourselves. we would strip down to our underwear and pour sacred white powder all over our body, leaving no area uncleansed, yes leaving no stones unturned... then we immortalised ourselves for years to come. yes... its nuts... testosterone does weird things to males...

i dare say i had the whole experience for field camp.. it rained 3 out of 7 days.. my platoon sergeant said that a field camp is not the same without rain, so i guess i am pretty lucky... yeah right! its sux when it rains during the field camp.. sleeping under a half water proof basha(tent), freezing out in the open... the worst part was that i had to dig my shellscrape( for those who dunno what this is, its ur own grave) in the rain. freak! i felt like i'm in a horror movie in which i am burying a body out in the storm... not forgetting the king size centipedes that might visit u while u are sleeping.

well overall field camp was a good experience, at least we learnt some tactical army stuff... instead of just running and strength training.. given a chance, i definitely would not wanna go again... once is enough... i never knew how precious concrete was until field camp.. haaa i'm just glad its over... people out there, pls appreciate fresh food.... no matter how horrible it is... at least its warm...


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