Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sit test...

After surviving 7 days in the jungle, i was given a day break to go home and wash all my clothes. Then its back to the jungle again for my situational test, in short sit test. This is an assessment of each individual's capacity to make inform decision so that the team can successfully complete their mission in the shortest amount of time.

Ok enough of the details. i was a demolition man in the team, my job is to blow things up. well ok i was just given wooden blocks and nylon strings to act as explosives. anyway, i guess i was pretty lucky to be in a team where there are no wayang kias. i read zhe rui's blog and i agree that a leader does not need to make himself prominent, instead he will gradually shine amongst the rest and enable his team members to work towards a common goal. A good leader is a good follower, he leads by example. As time pass, he will naturally earn the respect of his man and become outstanding in his own way. One must never fall into the trap of commanding his man as the most important aspect of a leader is his relationship with his man. As quoted from zhe rui, "i'd rather be a leader than a commander."


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