Saturday, January 13, 2007

Rain, cycling and cheesecake...

This is the third time this week i got drenched. i was talking to zhang wei today and he said he wanted to try my cheesecake, so i cycle to his place to pass him some to try. i was damn happy when he said it was very nice! he kept saying it was very nice so much so that he wanted to learn how to make it as well. so we cycled to the nearby prime supermarket and source for the ingredients but could only find a few, i told him i got my ingredients from NTUC, so we cycled all the way to tampines mall to get the stuff. mind you it was raining the whole while, we got weird stares from people we passed by when cycling, it didn't get any better when we were in tm, 2 drenched cocksters walking around tm was a sight for sore eyes and it was freezing! initially i thought those hand dryers where u put your hand in were pretty cool, but now i prefer the old ones, at least i can put my head under them to dry my hair. after getting the necessary ingredients, we went for dinner hoping that the rain will stop or at least get lighter after we eat, it got heavier instead. and we were both dry already, now have to cycled back in the rain. zhang wei came over to my house to bake coz his home don't have the necessary equipment. ok by now, most people would squirm in their seats and their gay alarm would start ringing. zhang wei is the best friend i made in army, the only one i will go the extra mile for. we been through a lot together in the army, joys and sufferings we share are etched deep into our minds. he is a year older then me so he ord earlier, we didn’t really contact until today coz i guess he was busy with school and stuff but meeting him today, it was as if we just met yesterday. my army life was pleasant because i made such a friend.

i found some nice friendship/love quotes in my box of delights,

'If you live to be a hundred, i want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so i never have to live without you.' - Winnie the Pooh

'True love is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.' - Charles Colton

'Don't walk in front of me, i may not follow. Don't walk behind me, i may not lead. walk beside me and be my friend.' - Albert Camus


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